Shooting the battlefield and the catwalkWar is ugly. Fashion is beautiful. War projects the worst of humanity. Photographing war and fashion appear incongruous acts that are difficult to reconcile. Until, perhaps, you take a deeper look.
Top 10 CNN Heroes Kakenya Ntaiya and Harmon Parker joined forces to bridge troubled waters for a Kenyan village.
The images you don't always seeThe photographs that don't always make the news, taken by CNN reporters, producers and photojournalists on location around the world.
Sold by their mothers for sex in CambodiaWhen Kieu was 12, her mother asked her to take a job. But not just any job. She was delivered to a hotel, where a man raped her for two days.
Nepal's organ trail: How traffickers steal kidneysIn Kathmandu, people begging for kidney treatment is common. Organ trafficking is an illegal, yet thriving trade.
What began as psychological torment, name-calling and humiliation turned into beatings so severe Adelma Cifuentes feared for her life. Cifuentes' case is dramatic, but in Guatemala, where nearly 10 out of every 100,000 women are killed, it's hardly unusual.